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journal profile links and credits
name: jessica
gender: female

interests: nymd, dance!, shopping!, movies, reading, heh. still got what.
occupation: student hmm.

Sunday, September 09, 2007
I was super crazy about MatsuJun a few days ago, wasn't I.
But after about more than 6 straight hours of watching 'Arashi no Shukudai Kun', I have now got to know Arashi better, (well at least I can match the correct name to a face), I have now changed my target to Sakurai Sho! Hahaha. Not that I don't like MatsuJun anymore. Just a change of target, change of target. Hehheh.

And because Sho just stands out so much in Arashi no Shukudai Kun, its just impossible not to go crazy! Haha.

And and and, Sho is really really pretty! He's more 耐看 than MatsuJun. And if there are nice photoshoots, Sho looks really really really pretty! Pretty pretty pretty.

And after looking at this:
This picture(Credits go to yuckie-chan@LJ and Boys Paper), I doubt people would disagree with me. Heh.

AHHHH. It is taking me all my energy from turning into a Arashi fangirl. Me = fangirl? Isn't it kind of surprising?


So therefore I have been browsing a few scan sites. And I see alot of pictures I like =) Therefore it has made me a very happy girl =D

LALALA MatsuJun and Sho is so photogenic. <3

And because of my current fangirly actions, it has compensated for my hatred which has been roused up with me because of a quarrel with a certain someone. Thank god for my constant fangirly actions which can actually take my mind off things.

Compensation. Compensation.

AHHHHHH. I SAW A BOKUIMO POSTER AT SUNTEC! Some shop which I forgot the name. And the poster which is half my height costs 10 bucks. SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY I HAVE TO BUY IT!!! Yes and I will also be looking for Arashi posters. =D

This is one of my more serious fangirly actions over someone. Okay, its the worst case ever. But I AM a girl! It is normal. HEE.

Hiphop today was tiring! So much more than usual. Halfway into the choreography and I almost cannot take it already. But the dance is still nice, to Namie Amuro's Top Secret. And because of the strenuous activity today (dance + window shopping) I can already feel the soreness coming into my legs. LEGS. Its not only the feet.

And because it is getting more and more painful, I shall go and sleep now. I wonder how I will be able to survive the duck race thing with the temporary handicap of my legs tomorrow.


BokuImo+MatsuJun+Sho <333333 *rollseyes at myself*

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I am getting too attached to BokuImo for my my own good.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Its such a tear jerker. Spent 2 hours trying to find it.
But if you listen to it with the movie, its even more meaningful.

If I can't get the instrumental song in the movie by this week, by hook or by crook I'll get the Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru OST.

I am determined to get my hands on the OST.

And then, when I have enough money, I will zoom off to kinokuniya to get the bokuimo pictorial book.

Thank god that yihui mentioned this movie to me, because if not, I may have taken a few more months to watch this movie.

The instrumental in the movie, although simple, much more simpler than the one in hana kimi which i also love, projects so much emotions.

To quote a singaporean blogger whom I dont know the url anymore, the instrumental gives one an impression that love is coming, when in fact, in the movie, love is so far away.

This was such a great movie, the instrumental suits it so so much.

Cried so many so many times.

Even the trailer is a tear jerker.

Boku wa Imoutu ni Koi wo Suru <33

Monday, September 03, 2007
HAHAHAHAHA. I have made much accomplishment within the past week.

Within the past week, I have watched hanazakari no kimitache e to the most recent episode. HAHAHA. =D

And I rushed through Hana Yori Dango 1 and 2 in two days. AND I AM NOW CRAZY OVER MATSU JUN HAHAHAHA.

Typical of me lah. I know its a 'san fen zhong re du' kind of thing. Like what happened with Kone and Chen Yi. But then, what's important is what is happening now. Therefore, I am proud to say that I've finished Kimi wa Petto in less than 24 hours =D

And and and, I am either go to watch matsu jun's movie, boku wa imouto ni koi o suru, either today or tommorow. Because it just wouldnt load in the desktop. Will try with the laptop later.

And and and I am going to watch Bambino! later this week. Most probably tomorrow. And then because by then the matsu jun craze will be over (oh man, thats so sad, isnt it?), I will watch nobutta o produce, Tentai Gakuen Q, Yamada Taro Monogatari, and much more. But this is my current plan for now.

Hana Kimi was the first J Drama I've watched. And I absolutely love it! <333 =D And then came Hana Yori Dango. Cried so many times. Same for Kimi wa Petto. Matsu Jun is so cute in Kimi wa Petto! The storyline is also very very nice, the cast is well set. And everything's so nice! Plus it doesn't hurt to have elements of dance in it too.

Although my current favourite song is 'lan yan jing' by sodagreen and angela zhang, love so sweet by arashi is also now one of the song that I like alot!

First impression of 'Love so Sweet' was of the music video on tv, liked the storyline, the people in the glass case thing. Then, I'm already head over heels with the chorus, although I wasn't that interested in the song. I just thought that the melody sounds so great.

思い出 ずっとずっと忘れない空
こんな 好きな 人に 出逢う季節二度とない
光ってもっと最高のLADY きっとそっと想い届く
信じることがすべて LOVE SO SWEET

LALALA. I feel so good. I typed all this! =D
After watching Hana Yori Dango 2, I felt that the only way to FEEL the melody of this song, was to listen to it during the drama itself. Many times, I felt like crying whenever this song was played in the background. Especially during the last repeat of this verse in the song. When everything was toned down.

And one important word came out during all the dramas I've watched. Which greatly contradicts what others may be thinking now. But this word, '信じて' came out so many times its hard to neglect it.

To believe. Isn't it the most important of all things?

LALALA. And in Hana Kimi, there's this insert song, whether instrumental or not I can't remember, but also, whenever I hear it play, I feel that it suits the show so much. And that there's always this bubble of happiness forming inside my heart.

This also applies for 'Love so Sweet' too.

Bubble of happiness.

But in this time of me watching J Drama like mad, its actually supposed to be for revising. Therefore, I shall stop studying for maths first, and start studying for Bio. Because its all facts. Maths shall be later. Just that I need to dig out all my notes. And I have to ask people for the ppt if they have it too. Because the IVLE thing is closed.

Back to topic. I shall list down the dramas I've watched finished, and the drama's Ive intended to watch but didn't manage to watch finish. But the latter doesn't apply to Hana Kimi, because I'm determined to finish watching it.

Finished watching:
Summer Scent
Westside Story
Devil Beside Me
Smiling Pasta
Summer x Summer
Be Strong Guem Soon
Delightful Girl Choon Hyang
Full House
Love Contract (Loved Mike He best here <3 )
Hana Yori Dango
Hana Yori Dango 2
Kimi wa Petto
Love at Harvard
Ouran High School Host Club (Haha, also considered, because its the only anime I've finished watching.

Watched halfway and gave up:
Top of the Forbidden City (Not my fault, the uploader was too slow, heh, the drama was twisted around dance, how in the world could I give up on this so easily?)
Love Magician
It Started with a Kiss
Why Why Love
Black Sugar Macchiato
Tokyo Juliet
My Lucky Star
KO One
My Son is a Mob Boss
Love at Dolphin Bay? (Absolutely no idea whether I finished it or not)
Express Boy (I wanted to finish it so much, but I got bored)

That's all I can remember. But those which I embarked on ep1 part 1 and gave up is not included here. So yup.

AND. It only includes Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean drama. Haha


Monday, May 21, 2007
First day of sabbats!
I have philosophy and shanghai!
I bet I spelt something wrong.

But anyway! I like this skin =) Super simple.
Theres tons of nice nice skins on blogskins! Super envy la. I can't photoshop anymore. But then to get nice skins, have to surf blogskins like siao.

Back to the main point. Sabbats was quite okay, unlike most people's one I guess.

Shanghai was actually quite interesting to listen! But then was too damn tired. Me and yumi was trying so hard to listen. But then we gave up! So we were playing bingo during the video thing. And Yumi went mad and decided to create fonts with names like stripesica font etc. So dumb lah!

Shanghai! We are going to some shanghai restaurent on thursday! To eat breakfast. HAHAHAHAHA. SO FUN! Then on wednesday we're going to watch san mao liu lang ji. People says its nice. So therefore it should be nice lah. You can see people's face light up when field trips, movies or those things were mentioned.

And it was even more apparent during philosophy. We watched parts of matrix! Super super super super scary to think of the fact that while I am typing now, i'm actually a 'brain in a jar'. Because everything that we see, feel, hear, smell and taste are all translated to electrical and chemical signals anyway.

SO scary can!

Then we are going to a art gallery at somewhere this wednesday =D

Philosophy was quite fun =D


zhang qianwen amazes me.
How can someone eat so super fast. And then this person also was fussing about that paper lotus flower thing for so long lah.

Break was super funny! Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh. So fun! Hahaha. Apparently now kexin thinks dancers are scary. Where got!

Oh my dance! Damn taxing. There was this routine. Which strains the arm muscles super quickly. And we were supposed to repeat it =/ And then at that stretching thing! Suppoed to stretch our legs up. And then my arms were already dying! Somemore ms chan was trying to pull my leg higher and higher. And I THINK I was supposed to show again. GOING TO DIE ALREADY!

HAIYAH. I think I'll have muscle ache in my arms tomorrow.
And then I have this super super big blue black on my right knee. Because of the jazz split I added to the choreography. And because had to repeat so many times. Now this blue black is more of red in colour. And its freaking a third the size of my palm. SO BIG CAN.

I dont like jazz splits =/

Speaking of something more serious.
I hate it when things like THAT happens. It really really hurts. Not that I'll ever ever really show it. I never will. I never do anyway. Because there's just some things that I really really cannot say out.

Sometimes I get hurt the hardest by the people I care about more. But I if I care, I'll ALWAYS forgive and forget. Or at least try to forget. But there'll always be this conscienceness there. And you cant really forget it.

But I try my very best. I can't believe why I do this anyway. But its for those people I care about.

Do I look like a very nice person who'll agree to anything?
In actual fact I'm not.
I can be the worse person you ever met if I actually want to be.
Its that bad.

But nobody should know how it really is like.
I won't let anyone.
Not ever.

And seriously, this is the most truthful, frank and honest I've ever been. But nobody will see this.

Sunday, May 06, 2007
Yesyesyes. I am turning 15 tomorrow. So I have to, unluckily, adhere to the requirements of the 15 year old of napfa. And its always so unlucky that napfa seems to be during or right after my birthday.

But I don't seem to be that excited about my birthday this year though. No idea why. Maybe its just because it doesn't matter anymore?

I found some quiz/questionaire/survey thing on someones devArt journal. And because i am bored. I shall do this.

1) Full Name: Yu Si Jia Jessica

3) Were you named after anyone?
Don't think so.

4) Does your name mean anything?
Think well, think smartly, think of home. Something like that lah.

5) Nick Name(s): Don't have one =D

7) Date Of Birth: 7th May 1992

8) Place of Birth and Current Location: Singapore

9) Nationality: Singapore PR

11) Sign: Taurus

16) Hair + Eye colour: Black, dark brown.

18) What do you look like? Long hair two eyes two ears one nose one mouth. And SHORT.

20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? Righty

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? I am straight! Haha.

27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Nope.

28) Crush: Mei you

31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s): not applicable! Haha. Out of the online scene for so long.

37) Person you cry with: Sadly. None at the moment. So sad right.

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters: I wish I had an older sister.

39) Any brothers: One icky younger brother. Who writes like a 7 year old but is actually sec 1.

40) Any pets: Used to have hamsters. And two tortoises. And tons of fish. All died.

41) A Disease: ECZEMA. So infuriating. It should be a disease right.

42) A Pager: No.

43) A Personal phone line: No use for that.

44) A Cell phone: Yes.

46) A Pool or hot tub: I wish.

47) A Car: Non existant.

Describe Your...

48) Personality: Ah.. well, I dont know.

49) Driving: Non existant skill.

51) Room: My room is an irregular pentagon! I have a wall with red and black stripes =D

52) What’s missing: Hmm. A really really really close friend.

53) School: School is nice. Lessons not.

54) Bed: Super single!

55) Relationship with your parent(s): Quite okay I guess. I think its kind of better than most family. But not much better.

Do You

56) Believe in yourself: Sometimes.

57) Do you believe in love at first sight? HMM. I guess this opinion will change through time.

58) Consider yourself a good listener: Yes.

60) Get Along with your parents: Yup.

61) Save your e-mail conversations: Yes.

62) Pray: No.

63) Believe in reincarnation: I don't really know. I'm still quite unsure about this.

65) Like to talk on the phone: I'd like to. Just that I have no one to babble to.

66) Like to eat?: YES. I LOVE FOOD.

71) Dream in color: Yes

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: I have a bad nose.

What Is…?

74) Right next to you: I don't know. Alot of things. Like the comp. The mouse. The phone. The sofa. The printer.

75) On the walls of your room: Nothing.

76) On your mouse pad: Star wars!

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: I have no clue.

80) Your dream husband/wife: Haven't thought of that yet.

82) Under your bed: Nothing.

84) Your bad time of the day: When I'm at home. I'm much worse of a person when I'm at home.

85) Your worst fear(s): Being drowned/burnt to death. Just dying in pain.

86) The weather like: HUMID AND HOT.

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: Hmm. I eat normal food. I cannot stand changes or things out of the ordinary.

92) The hardest thing about growing up: Realising that I've made so much mistakes.

94) Your scariest moment: None that is significant enough.

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: My social circle is sadly quite limited to school.

98) The worst feeling in the world: I can't describe it. But its haunting me this few weeks.

99) The best feeling in the world: Just feeling really relaxed and being with your friends. And that people actually like being with me.

I have no idea why. But alot of the questions are missing.

I shall go prepare now and go to the library later.

Friday, May 04, 2007
I have a new haircut and now I have a fringe :) Lets just hope leeshanshan deems it as a neat haircut, and I hope she would stop saying that I look old with my ponytail. I cut my hair all because of her. But my haircut is nice :)

There's this nice salon at keming there which looks totally out of place and has a beauty and slimming and whatnot counterpart just beside it. I think the people at the salon is quite nice. But why do hairdressers like to cut layers too short to tie up when I specifically said "I AM STILL GOING TO SCHOOL AND NEED TO TIE MY HAIR UP." Second time already. Qutie irritating. But nevermind. I have a nice haircut :)

Haircut haircut haircut!

OH MAN OH MAN. People have no idea how scared I am of the idea of going back to dance.

Hmm. I have flag day tomorrow. Then my last library CIP session next weekend. But then the 90 days is not up yet. Therefore I think I have to do another one. I think with kexin bah. At JRL. Which is far far away from her house. Hah.

HMM. MAKE IC! ME and bernice and liqin going to make IC next wednesday. Truth be told. I have absolutely no idea where I'm supposed to go to make the IC thing. OH YES. I shall ask zee whether she wants to go with us.

My mom is going to give me a hundred bucks for my birthday to spend! Hahahaha. I think it was only going to be 50. But then because I rejected the idea of spending my birthday at some fancy restaurent, therefore I get more money! Which is going to pay for the ACJC restless tickets, and sadly, my long overdue class fund. Because I am going to save up, not use my mum's money, for the NJ tickets. Because I feel that I have to pay for something for my own. Yes.

I was rushing through my practise for piano just now.
I didn't know I had to play an extra half a page for giga. So rush rush rush. I didn't even bother to try dynamics. Just articulation okay I xie tian xie di already. Then that autumn song. First line, first few freaking bars. Okay lah I guess. Then the third song. Willie something something something. I think the slurs are going to kill me. Those freaking irregular scales that comes on and off. EEYER.

SCALES SCALES SCALES. My staccato scales are bad enough already. Then I had to practise 3rd apart G major and minor. WAS SO SAD CAN. I had to spend 15 on this two alone to play correctly. HAIYAH. And I seriously think my minor scales are better than my major scales. Somehow I just like minor keys better.

Sadly, i am going to bring my theory out for flag day tomorrow. Have to do on the freaking mrt. Because hopefully, I'll reach home before 3 tomorrow and will have to rush to piano and leave house at 4. SO SAD. SO RUSH. Maybe I should just change the time. HM.

Ah. My long paragraphs are coming back after commenting to zee! Haahaha. I used to type in huge chunks for paragraphs. Then i started typing with random enter signs every where. But oh well.

It is late! i need to sleep early for tomorrow.

OH and I am going to change blogskin! Hahahaha.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I shall try to refer to myself in third person. Just like how jomain does. Heheh.

Jessica feels very disappointed, extremely tired and oh so lonely.

Jessica went to bella's house for LA SIA today. She was already late and informed about 1.5 hours before. She was an hour late. But they were 20 minutes later. Oh my.

Jessica went back 2 hours later than she planned to. And she is terribly tired now.


Ah, the 3rd person thing can't work out.

GOSH. I need to talk to someone. So don't be surprised if I came to find you and started yaking. Its been a long time since I had a good long talk with someone.

OH and the last movie I saw was charly! But movies frmind me of the cinema, not the LT. Therefore this.

AHHH. My results are not so pleasant.
Maths fail. Therefore maths remedial.
Physics fail. Therefore must chiong for physics retest.
Bio fail. But only 1 mark from pass. So I'm happy =)
Chinese pass! 87%
LA pass also! =))
Chem Pass! 90% HAHAHA.

Chatted with jacey on msn for about 2 hours yesterday. So long at one shot you know. And now jacey knows most of the things that are irritating me now.

But theres some things. I want to say. I wish to say. That I just don't dare to say to anyone at all. That I can't utter a single word to anyone. And its driving me crazy. Seriously, I wish I had no inhibitions in the things that I want to speak about. And I wish there was this person whom I can talk to.

But NO. I don't know of this person whom I can talk to. And its so miserable. The only way to escape from this feeling, is to wish I'll forget it.

But its not that easy. I can remember about the specific things that i wished never happen, wish that I'd never remember, vividly until today.

And I'll feel this burning sensation inside. Like acid feeding on my heart.

I sound so sad. I am. But not that much though. But the bitter realisation of not having someone to talk to really sucks.

On the other hand. CSM was super fun. Took many pictures with many people. So mostly is just a photo of me and someone else.

Oh and I have a few pictures containing only one people.
Huiqing and her deodorant. Some sensual instinct thing. And she insists that it means that she's sexy. Hahahhaha. :P
Yunyi hiding from my camera so dramatically it looks like she just did that on purpose. Yunyi is a dramatic. Heh.
I have two of huifun! Picture kind of blurry. I was too far away.
And one of siwei too! Both siwei and huifun's one is when they're preparing for 4 by 1. 305 got THIRD =))))) Bella beat the class with joanna =D HAHAHA. Bella can run super fast.

OH OH OH and I have one of lee shan shan preparing for teachers race. =P

But because i am too lazy to look for the camera now. The pictures shall be up only when I feel like it.

Post csm wasn't at all fun. In fact it was horrible. Trying my best to put on a happy face while I feel so terrible inside. Oh and if you read this and you know this refers to you. Be glad that its only a temporary shock. Because I didn't know you all would do this. But. It doesn't matter.

HMM. I am watching spiderman 3 on thursday. And i want to watch shrek the third. But because I am terribly broke now. I shall eat very little for the next couple of weeks.

My eyes are closing as i type this blog post. BAH. I simply dont feel like going to school tomorrow. I am really really tired. Physically and mentally.

I want to feel sick. I really do. I haven't been sick for about 3 months. To be honest. I yearn the the concern people show to me when I'm sick. This is kind of twisted. But its true.

Oh. And i'm not going for nymd's celebration on thursday. Its kind of obvious why I'm not going. And its so difficult for me to just keep the reason inside.

I shall not type and get more miserable by the minute. THerefore. I shall go sleep now. And pray that I wake up sick tomorrow.

I've been wearing my contacts for almost 12 hours now. Still wearing because i couldn't get it out when i was showering. I keep sliding my fingers on my eyeball and it keeps sticking to my eyeball instead of getting pinched out. I tried many many times. And I shall got try again now.

Oh oh oh! I got new bedroom slippers! Its so soft and comfy. Heh.

Monday, April 30, 2007
I took this from luk wern's LJ! Then because I have nothing better to do.
OH i have many many things to do.
Just that I dont want to.

1. Are you smiling?
Yup. Abit. I guess.

2. When is the last time you met someone new?
Today. I meet someone new everyday.

3. Truthfully, what is irritating you now?
I am not going to say anything.

4. When did you last eat pizza?
At pizza hut at JEC. Um. About 2 weeks ago.

5. Do you have any friends who are famous?
Dont think so.

6. Are you any good at poker?
I don't even know how to play it.

7. Do you like Monopoly?
Used to. I used to play it with my dad's friend's children whenever i was at their house. And with some of my ex classmates. And with some of my younger cousins. But not now. Its boring.

8. What do you want?
Hmm. If I was materialistic I would say : CLOTHES, BAGS, EARRINGS, SHOES ETC. But I am not. But I still want those things. But all in all. I just want to have someone to be able to talk to.

9. Are you tired?
Not quite.

10. Last spoken words you heard?
Something like "Don't hug the laptop and lock yourself in your room anymore. Your dad already said that he's going to lock all the computers." My mum. In chinese.

11. Do you know anyone named John?

12. When is your birthday?
May 7! Few more days! Hahaha.

13. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing in your room?
My handphone. Too bad I have to return it to my dad's company soon.

14. Pepsi... Coke.... Pepsi... Coke...?
PEPSI! It's sweeter! And i am going to die of diabetes!

15. Have you ever thrown up?
Yes. Its horrible.

16. What are you thinking about?
Nothing much.

17. Why are you doing this?
Because I am terribly terribly terribly bored.

18. Is your computer a laptop?
I have no computer of my own. But this is a laptop.

19. Want to be a princess?
If all those stories about how royalty are either evil, stupid or really miserable. Then no.

20. Do you believe dreams come true?
Well, once in a blue moon it happens.

21. Last song you heard?
Some random chinese song off the radio.

22. Do you like Batman?

23. Who is in the room with you?
I am safely locked up in my room =)

26. What was the last thing you ate?

28. What is the closest item near you that is blue?
Does the tissue box count? Its partly blue. THen the next nearest thing is the box that contains all my contacts.

29. What instant messaging service do you use?

30. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
My slippers! Haha. I need to get a new pair of shoes.

31. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants?
I dont have jeans! I need to buy one. I have trackpants that I wear at home though. In fact I'm wearing it now.

32. What is the last movie watched?
Happily never after.
And that was almost 2 months ago.

33. What do you currently hear right now?
Some plane flying across the sky. And my fan.

34. Where's your favorite place to be?
I dont know. Depends.

35. Where is your ipod?
Don't have one. Dont intend to get one.

36. Where is your mom?
In the living room. ANd she just shouted for me to have grapes a minute ago.

37. Where do you shop the most?
I dont know. I just see things that i like a pull my mum inside to pay for me. Yes I shop with my mum =D

38. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Its the horribly lime green sec one LSC camp tee.

39. Where was your default picture taken?
Hmm. What default picture.

40. Why did you pick your background?
Its the blogskin.

42. When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
Depends. I dont really know.

43. Have you ever talked about marriage with someone before?

44. Do you want kids?
I dont know. Let's see if I can get myself married first.

45. How many?
See above.

46. Do you want someone you can't have?

47. Do you believe love at first sight exists?
I dont know. I'm greatly influenced by those xiao shuo I've been reading.

48. Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
Yup. Why not. My birthday is an anniversary =D

49. Do you believe that you can change someone?

50. Do you have feelings for someone right now?

And these took up about 27 minutes of my time.
OH MY. I am still so bored.
I shall now find some time consuming and fun thing to do.

Saturday, April 21, 2007
i only blog when i'm super bored until the brinlk of craziness.


My parents and my brother is out now. Dinner at somewhere. And now I am staying at home doing nothing.

Oh yah. I was playing AuditionSea just now. Super shuang. Perfect combo so many times. And then there was one game I scored 700k =D And one game I got a perfectx7 and another i got 30 perfects =)

So I super happy now. Haha.

AHHH. Yesterday was super fun.
Because of all the tests.
Because my physics sure fail already.
If I get 50% I'll be super happy.
And I got 21/50 for maths.
So yesterday laugh until like siao at the SAC.
Three crazy already sec 3s laughing away at the room with the tv and all.

Haha played project gotham 2.
Played before!
At my brother'x xbox.
But that xbox spoiled more than one year before during the moving house time.
So rusty already.
But then qianwen and kexin those two people.
Dont know drive car need to accelerate one.
so smart la.

went to the mykes oven place yesterday also.
becaise kexin wanted to go the accent.
and mykes oven there the japanese biscuit thing very nice.
and very big also.
And very cheap also.
Hehehe. I want to eat again.

today had bio and chem.
so boring.
but i saw siwei and yumi play tennis today.
bongyumi doesnt look like a tennis person.

Had piano just now.
By dotted rhythms are so lousy.
My third piece for grade 5,6,7 all got dotted rhythm.
zi tao ku chi.
My third piece is some brian bonsor piece called wiggly something wagglestick or something like that.
Still cannot remember off hand the name.

Who want to go watch with me next week?
Oh i realise no one comes here la so nevermind.
Recently also no nice movie.
Wait until have nice one until i go bug people.

lalala. quite long already.
so i stop here.
because im watching tv heh.

maybe tomorrow i blog about some online thing.